Boost your English marks with Jeddle
High-Quality Exam Material
Step-By-Step Guides to Ace Your Exams
Jeddle offers the most practical, curriculum-specific resources for English. Whether it’s essay writing, creative writing or textual analysis, Jeddle has everything you need to ace your exams.
Learn from the best
Learn from the state’s top achievers
Jeddle has teamed up with the highest-achieving students in the country so that you can see exactly what it takes to achieve full marks for each part of your English course. Get access to their model responses, which have been broken down into step-by-step guides.
Why choose us
Practical study guides for exam success
Teacher Certified
Our resources have been modelled and reviewed by a team of highly experienced teachers, including senior exam markers.
Proven Results
Subscribers have dramatically improved their results, including students who placed 1st in the state.
Practical and Marks-Driven
With practicality as their core ingredient, our resources are designed to optimise exam performance for students of all abilities.
Marking and Feedback
Expert Marking in One Click
Improve your English marks with the help of real-life expert markers and AI-powered feedback. Just submit a draft and JeddAI will show you exactly how to level up your writing, including practical suggestions that you can implement straight away.